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Thursday, March 13, 2025
TKA Guest Book / Comments    < Go back 
Name: caleb collier

I have truly learned alot at tka. All of the instructors are a inspiration to me. tka is the best school ever in history. i'm looking foward to becoming a black belt. also i want to thank Mrs. linh for everything. i recomend this karate school to everyone. keep up the good work tka. 

Name: Tanisha Barlow

  I want to thank the TKA team. You treat every child as if he/she were your own, and I value that. I know this is more than just karate class; it's family too. Thank you so much!

Name: Erica Richard

Hey guys the new school is really looking great. Can't wait to see the finished product. I wanted to take this time to thank TKA STAFF. You guys have done such a great job teaching our son all about karate and when it is to be used. You all have welcomed us like family everytime we come in. Such a great place and great way of teaching I couldn't help but join  myself. It is such a great workout and I look forward to class each and everytime I come in. Thank you to Sensei Mike, Mr. Berry, Mr. Palermo, and Mr. Bihm for helping me be the best that I can and showing me such a beautiful form of martial arts. Thanks again and see you on Monday. 



Name: David Gorsich

Karate has definitely been a confidence booster for our son.  His attitude and behavior has improved drastically.  Gone are the days of "I can't do it".  He now understands that he can accomplish anything with hard work.  He looks forward to Karate, and rarely lets us miss a class.  Thanks for everything!

Name: Michaela Mcgraw

Yo. Here in the Woodlands,I've been to different karate schools. I don't think any class that I have been to is as good and fun as your school. Sensie Mike, Tell everyone I said hi.

Name: Jeremiah Walker

Mike the site looks really great!  You have grown so much.  The latest facility looks really sweet.  I hope all is well with you and yours.  Take care and all the best. 

Name: martha guzman


Currently my three children are involved in TKA. Their attitudes have greatly improved since they have begun their classes. This is truly a sport that they have come to love.  It also gives them a reason to strive for better grades in school. Thank You Sensei and Mrs. Linh, you guys are the greatest; I only wish I had this type of environment when I was growing up.

Name: eleanor (dee) Porter

Chandon loves attending Texas Karate Academy thanks Sensei Mike and Mrs. Linh.  Dee

Name: Mona Berry

Sensei Mike, Mrs. Linh, and Caleb have truly had  a tremendous impact on our family.  My children have been with Sensei Mike since 1999 and it has made an amazing difference in everything they have accomplished.  Sensei Mike and TKA have given them confidence, security in themselves, self respect, and  a maturity that surpasses anything their Dad and I could have imagined.   We were eating dinner one night and talking about some of the kids our children know and how they act and I told my children how proud I was of them and how responsible they were and my daughter looked at me and said "Hey Mom, we owe it all to Sensei Mike and karate!!"   Sensei Mike, that says it all.  You, Mrs. Linh, and Caleb will always be a part of our "family";  you guys are the BEST and we love you.  Thank you for all you do!       

Name: dylan

Tka is the best karate school in beamont.The teachers are top of the line and they help us be stronger,defend ourself better. 

TKA student.

Name: Jordan Smith

Dear Sensei Mike,

This website is really COOL!  You and the other instructors are GREAT teachers.  Your classes have helped teach me discipline and self-control.  I LOVE the cool karate moves that I'm learning.  I am looking forward to being one of your black belts!


Jordan Smith

Name: Staci Lytle

I just wanted to thank Sensei Mike and Linh for all their hours of hard work with not only my child, but all the other children. They are wonderful people. My child started when he was just 3. He took it for two years and we took a little break. He started back up when he was 10. It was like we never left.We have other schools closer to us, but there was no way we'd change. It's worth the drive, Sensei Mike is too good with the kids.

Thanks Again for everything!!!

Name: Grant
I have been in the Martial Arts system in and out for a long time, never having the chance to continue for reasons that were out of my control. I can honestly say that in all my experiences & history in classes from Houston to Beaumont since the 80's there has never been a Dojo with such a professional, friendly atmosphere and a truly unique modern style of Martial Arts training this exciting that motivates your own personal best to shine through.

Now having the opportunity to continue training as well as my children, I can't imagine any place in the world better than Texas Karate Academy with all the Instructors, Sensei Mike, Linh & Caleb Berryhill. Some places claim to be the best, but I am here to tell you that TKA is the Best! Learn self-control, discipline, build self-esteem, grow stronger mentally and physically.


Name: K. McGraw

I know a little bit about computer graphic design and I am very impressed with the website.  It is very professional and covers everything!  My daughter has just recently started taking from Sensei Mike and she minds me so well cause all I have to do is use class as an insintive and she does it, she loves it that much.  Mike and Linh are such dedicated, generous, compasionate, sincere, and caring people.  They have offered to take my child to and from class, they have even cooked dinner for us, brought us dinner, and invited us over to family get-togethers.  I thank God I can call them not only my neighbors but my friends.  Thanks!

Name: Proud Parent

Texas Karate Academy is more than just an activity for our children.  They are learning life lessons that will help them now as well as in the future.  Sensei Mike, Mrs. Linh and Caleb are an extended family for us, always just a call away!

Name: Donna

Great site!  If you are even thinking about joining Martial Arts, this is the place to be!! You'll be more than just another student, you'll be apart of another family. Take a step that will change your whole family, sign up and join us.  Parents, that means  you too! Parent/Student

Name: Proud parents

We have seen amazing results since Sensei Mike began teaching our son.  The advanced students under Sensei Mike's direction help make the classes very "hands on" and no one is left out.  This is truly one of the best decisions we have made for our son!

Name: Rhonda

You have such a great school. I think you are so good with the kids. I hope you  have many more students sign up as they are really missing a great chance in life by not being under your teachings. I have seen many wonderful changes in your students as they advance. It is obvious you and your wife really care a lot and this can easily be seen in the students. Keep up the good work.

Love your school. Think it is a really fine school and you are so good with the kids.

Name: Parent

I love Texas Karate Academy! Sensei Mike and Ms. Linh are just amazing!

Not only do my children take karate, but they also pick my children up from school.

Help them with their homework, feed them a snack. Then they do their karate lessons after that. When you work like we do, this helps alot. And we know our children are safe! It really is the best alternative to day care. I highly recommend! We are customers for life!

Name: Wendy Ellis

AWESOME website!  I will be sure to ckeck back often to see the new pictures and read through the news for upcoming events.  I am so happy my kids are involved in the Young Dragons/TKA Program, I can see such a difference in them because of it!





Name: Sensei

This site looks great! Easy access, smooth transitions.

It's only going to get better and better.

Nicest looking karate website I've seen.

The school is new and clean.

Best looking school in Beaumont!


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